Tuesday, July 24, 2007

This is where I live

Green Bay Packers football is religion to most people who live in Wisconsin. If you live here and do not own a cheesehead you are considered an outsider. If you live here and cheer for the Bears you are considered a terrorist. Team loyalty is number one before God, Country, family, or career. From sun up to sun down in Milwaukee the sports radio hosts talk about Packer news even when they are in the off season. And these crazy people listen to it. The fans....
.... are known for being obsessive. They show up to home games in the subzero temperature with no shirts on to prove a point, that they are the most dedicated football fans out there. And I have to give it to them, they are. Case in point the couple that's been in the news this past week for loving the game so much that they locked their 7 year old son in his room so that they could go watch the game at the local Indian Casino. For four hours the boy was dead bolted in his room, provided with a bucket to go the bathroom in and a loaf of bread and peanut butter to eat in case he got hungry. I was actually surprised to hear backlash from Milwaukee residents. I figured they would raise their glasses and toast to such a dedicated fan. Guess not.


Paige said...

Oh Jos..That breaks my heart. I hope they lock them in jail with no food. I hate people like this. I love football too, but come on. Couldn't he watch it with them? Poor little buddy.

amy said...

I'm a Vikings fan which is pretty equal to a Bears fan around here. However, I'm a closet fan, so that's how I've managed not to get killed yet. Packer fans are insane...I LOVE when they lose - nearly the entire state's population falls into a depression.