Thursday, July 12, 2007

Off the charts

I know I shouldn't be surprised about Cohen's nine month check-up results today, but the comments the doctor made about his head size confused me a little. "Well, his head grew quite rapidly the past three months, we will have to watch that very carefully." What does that mean? How does a head grow exponentially in three months. It's not as if his head was the only thing that grew. His height and weight are off the charts as well, and he didn't say..."well, he grew in both his height and weight quite rapidly the past three months, we will have to watch that very carefully." What's the problem with the head? Is his head not proportionate to his frame? Those nurses all measure differently anyway. Some measure at the top by the eyebrows, some measure lower by the ears...I'm not going to worry about it. At least it isn't flat!!


Paige said...

Well baby Josie is in the tenth percentile for weight and 90th for head. I think its all a bunch of crap.

Natalie said...

They said that about Kensie & I freaked out! But at her next check-up her head had hardly grown at all. I think the measuring technique has alot to do with it. I hear ya on the flat head thing...that freaks me out!

Annie said...

That is one creepy picture, sista friend.

anne said...

I've never thought Cohen had a big head. What a weird thing for your Dr. to say!