Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Don't the 70's sound like SUCH a long time ago?
1977 to be exact. Freak, I am getting up there. I was talking to my mom yesterday and she kept saying over and over, I can't believe you are 32, and then I reminded her that she will be SIXTY next year and she stopped, thankfully. Here are some WIKIfacts about April 27th.
April 27, 1810 – Beethoven composes his famous piano piece, Für Elise.
Apri. 27, 1974 – 10,000 march in Washington, D.C., calling for the impeachment of US President Richard Nixon
April 27, 1981 – Xerox PARC introduces the computer mouse.
April 27, 2006 – Construction begins on the Freedom Tower for the new World Trade Center in New York City.
1822 – Ulysses S. Grant, Civil War general and 18th President of the United States
1932 – Casey Kasem, American disc jockey
1959 – Sheena Easton, Scottish singer
1521 – Ferdinand Magellan, Portuguese explorer
1882 – Ralph Waldo Emerson, American essayist
1965 – Edward R. Murrow, American journalist
I recommend you all WIKIsearch your date of birth, kind of interesting. Anyway....
Here are the goods (some of them)! Diane gave me the orchid and Eric brought me the pom pom thingies. They smell sooo good! Eric had to work till 7 so we headed out for a late dinner at the Spectrum and of course a stop at the Apple store. I picked up iLife 09 with some bday money and can't wait to install it. Part of my present is the chance to go up to San Francisco again this weekend to see little Lucy. She is being blessed on Sunday. Thanks to all for your birthday wishes. It was a good one!

April 27, 1810 – Beethoven composes his famous piano piece, Für Elise.
Apri. 27, 1974 – 10,000 march in Washington, D.C., calling for the impeachment of US President Richard Nixon
April 27, 1981 – Xerox PARC introduces the computer mouse.
April 27, 2006 – Construction begins on the Freedom Tower for the new World Trade Center in New York City.
1822 – Ulysses S. Grant, Civil War general and 18th President of the United States
1932 – Casey Kasem, American disc jockey
1959 – Sheena Easton, Scottish singer
1521 – Ferdinand Magellan, Portuguese explorer
1882 – Ralph Waldo Emerson, American essayist
1965 – Edward R. Murrow, American journalist
I recommend you all WIKIsearch your date of birth, kind of interesting. Anyway....
Here are the goods (some of them)! Diane gave me the orchid and Eric brought me the pom pom thingies. They smell sooo good! Eric had to work till 7 so we headed out for a late dinner at the Spectrum and of course a stop at the Apple store. I picked up iLife 09 with some bday money and can't wait to install it. Part of my present is the chance to go up to San Francisco again this weekend to see little Lucy. She is being blessed on Sunday. Thanks to all for your birthday wishes. It was a good one!

Monday, April 27, 2009
Lacking Inspiration
One would think that all kinds of projects would spring to mind after seeing such cute fabric, but I am seriously struggling. I bought most of this over a month ago and still have yet to put it to good use. My favorite is this Orla Kiely tablecloth that I found at Target. Super cute don't you think? Anybody out there about to have a baby? I can whip out a few burp cloths if you are in need. I read all the design/mommy/crafty/leigh.hansen/martha blogs out there and nothing is jumping out at me. AHHHH! My creative juices just aren't flowing lately and it's kind of getting to me. Days kind of run together and responsibilities never seem to disappear. If only there were more time in the day, but who am I kidding, if I had two more hours I would probably spend it watching TV or sleeping. So back on the shelf these go, maybe you all have an idea for me that I have somehow missed.....

Friday, April 24, 2009
This may be the 4th time I've used Car Conversation as the title.
E: Mom, why was Grandma talking about your birthday?
J: Because it's on Monday.
E: Really? What's today?
J: Thursday.
E: That's only four more days... I guess I will have time to wrap you a present.
J: Oh, did you get me something?
E: No, but I was just thinking what I should get you.
J: Really? What do you think I would like?
E: Um... a shirt with flowers on it.
J: Ok.
E: And some pants or shorts with flowers on it to match.
J: Hmmm. So, you think I would like that huh?
E: Yes. But I'm not sure there is a store where I can find both of them.
J: That's ok.
E: Maybe I should get you a t-shirt that says I love my mom on it. Or a pink necklace with a matching bracelet. (this kid is damn cute but doesn't know me AT ALL)
J: I guess you will need to go shopping with dad.
E: But he is in Utah. When will he be back?
J: Sunday night.
E: Well that's not gonna work.
J: Because it's on Monday.
E: Really? What's today?
J: Thursday.
E: That's only four more days... I guess I will have time to wrap you a present.
J: Oh, did you get me something?
E: No, but I was just thinking what I should get you.
J: Really? What do you think I would like?
E: Um... a shirt with flowers on it.
J: Ok.
E: And some pants or shorts with flowers on it to match.
J: Hmmm. So, you think I would like that huh?
E: Yes. But I'm not sure there is a store where I can find both of them.
J: That's ok.
E: Maybe I should get you a t-shirt that says I love my mom on it. Or a pink necklace with a matching bracelet. (this kid is damn cute but doesn't know me AT ALL)
J: I guess you will need to go shopping with dad.
E: But he is in Utah. When will he be back?
J: Sunday night.
E: Well that's not gonna work.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
One week away
Back when I posted this, I thought it would be no sweat accomplishing 21 things before my 31st year disappeared. Well, it's crunch time and I am feeling the heat. The bold items are things I still have yet to accomplish.
1. Read with Ethan more.
1. Read with Ethan more.
2. Save as much money as possible to speed up the student loan repayment.
3. Start washing my face at night, no I have never done this.
4. Lose the weight that babies and marriage have given me. Oh and cookies and brownies and everything else I have eaten along the way.5. Raise money for Ethan's JDRF walk.
6. Maybe do some visiting teaching?
7. Clean out my closet.
8. Sell old things on ebay.
9. Smile more.
10. Go to bed earlier.
11. Apply for a patent on such things not to be discussed without a patent.
12. Take C to the park more - once it gets below 80 degrees here.
13. Write up a will.
14. Sew a skirt with the sewing machine that is getting dusty and the pattern Diane picked up a few weeks ago. ( I need to do #4 before I do this)15. Finish the books I have started and put aside.
16. Take the boys camping again. (it's planned)17. Have a low key Christmas. Do not go overboard on gift giving - try to prepare ahead of time.
18. Buy myself flowers every once and a while, if I didn't it might never happen.19. Replace soda with water at home.
20. Learn how to edit our home videos so that I can burn them onto a DVD.
21. Be grateful always. (always? HELP!!!)I will need to start a new list next Monday and maybe carry over a few that haven't happened yet. I will be thinking this week of things to add to the list. For sure one will be to finish my BLURB book. I am 6 months into it and already have over 100 pages. This years book is going to be twice as long as my first book was, but I am excited for the finished product!
Monday, April 13, 2009
20 questions
E: Mom, I know how Santa gets in our house, but what about the Easter bunny?
J: Um......
E: Where does he come in?
J: I guess he just comes in the back door.
E: Oh, so we should leave his carrots here just so he knows it's our back door?
J: Sure, sounds good.

E: But the Easter bunny doesn't have a sleigh or a big red bag or anything.... how does he carry our baskets?
J: (this kid is killing me) Good question Ethan - go ask Daddy.

E: Mom, how did the Easter bunny hide all these eggs all over the house?
E: How did he get up so high on the chandelier?

E: How did he know how to write and spell all of these clues? (we sent ethan on a scavenger hunt to find his basket instead of just leaving it out)
E: I mean how did he know where we kept the vacuum?
E: And how did he know that the soda drinks are in the garage?
E: MOM??
E: Bunny's can't put big baskets in the dryer - they are too small.
E: How did the Easter bunny know that I wear a size small?

I don't think this bunny thing is going to last long.
If this didn't make up for the 20 questions I don't know what could.

Just call him Cohen TRUMP.
Eric put more product on his hair than I use in a week.

The post-nap picture is pretty good.
His hair is not meant to be slicked.
J: Um......
E: Where does he come in?
J: I guess he just comes in the back door.
E: Oh, so we should leave his carrots here just so he knows it's our back door?
J: Sure, sounds good.

E: But the Easter bunny doesn't have a sleigh or a big red bag or anything.... how does he carry our baskets?
J: (this kid is killing me) Good question Ethan - go ask Daddy.

E: Mom, how did the Easter bunny hide all these eggs all over the house?
E: How did he get up so high on the chandelier?

E: How did he know how to write and spell all of these clues? (we sent ethan on a scavenger hunt to find his basket instead of just leaving it out)
E: I mean how did he know where we kept the vacuum?
E: And how did he know that the soda drinks are in the garage?
E: MOM??
E: Bunny's can't put big baskets in the dryer - they are too small.
E: How did the Easter bunny know that I wear a size small?

I don't think this bunny thing is going to last long.
If this didn't make up for the 20 questions I don't know what could.

Just call him Cohen TRUMP.
Eric put more product on his hair than I use in a week.

The post-nap picture is pretty good.
His hair is not meant to be slicked.

Saturday, April 11, 2009
Don't you love the smell of vinegar in the morning?
Easter kind of snuck up on us this year. I don't know why, I have been seeing displays in the stores for weeks, but with spring break and everything it seemed to just arrive without warning. I did manage a while back to buy an egg dying kit and some stuff for the boys baskets, but this is about as festive as we got....

Two minutes later - so confused when the egg didn't bounce like he wanted it to.

Cohen - so proud of his PINK egg he dyed!
Two minutes later - so confused when the egg didn't bounce like he wanted it to.
Friday, April 10, 2009
Corona Del Mar Beach
Monday was a really nice day! I think it got into the 80's and the Hatch's were looking for some sun so we headed to the beach. I'm not a beach person per say. I think I would prefer to relax around a nice warm pool instead of the freezing cold ocean, but every once and a while I can be convinced. And why is it that sand sticks to everything? It's DRY! Shouldn't it just fall off? For days I am finding sand in my car, in my shoes, and in my hair - it never goes away. But enough of the complaining.... The boys and Savannah played in the sand, jumped some waves, collected some crabs, and when dusk rolled around we started a bonfire and roasted marshmallows. Good times.

Long Beach Aquarium
On Tuesday, Ethan & I went to the LB Aquarium with the Hatch's. I hadn't been there since 2003, but not much had changed. Ethan had fun spending time with his new pal, Corban, but I don't think he is the animal lover that Eric wishes he was. He really doesn't enjoy places like this. It doesn't interest him to touch slimy fish or stare at a sea lion frolic in the water. Maybe it's just his age, but he could care less. I, on the other hand, had a great time just taking pictures of the different fish (i was able to do this because i didn't have cohen with me!!!!). Jellyfish are my favorite.

Rainy day Friday
Today was Ethan's last day of Spring Break and wouldn't you know, it was cold and rainy. I would have preferred to stay home in bed (i think i have a sinus infection) but we ventured out anyways. I took the boys to the local gymnastics/bounce house place. Thanks Robyn for the great idea! What's funny is how many church people were already there when we showed up. I guess this is the place to be. As you can tell from the pictures I think Cohen was enjoying himself. At one point Robyn and I were standing there talking and I looked over at Ethan and he was completely pale with that "glassed over" look he gets when he's low. Yep, 54! I guess he was running around a little more than I thought. 2 fruit snacks later and he was good to go. We will for sure be back.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Monday, April 6, 2009
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Last week at Knott's. Ethan is freaked!

It's really not much better than this one:

From Legoland
And at the time I chalked the wetness up to the fact that we just got off the log ride (water ride), but after a second thought and a look at this picture, I am thinking it's from another source....?

It's really not much better than this one:

From Legoland
And at the time I chalked the wetness up to the fact that we just got off the log ride (water ride), but after a second thought and a look at this picture, I am thinking it's from another source....?

The Hatch's
This week is Ethan's Spring break and coincidentally, the Hatch's had time off too and decided to come for a visit. The last time we were together was back in May, 2005, when they came to Star Valley to participate in branding the Brown's cattle.


And since 2005, Sarah and I have both had another kid, who evidently, like each other!

Eric and Cameron were mission companions in Taiwan together and have kept in touch ever since.

Eric & Cam, snorkeling in Catalina

Us with the Hatch's & Hansen's, backpacking in the Tetons.

Hiking Timp. (Anne & I did it too, but I didn't like that picture!)
Thanks for making the trip down here - it's gonna be a fun week!

And since 2005, Sarah and I have both had another kid, who evidently, like each other!

Eric and Cameron were mission companions in Taiwan together and have kept in touch ever since.

Eric & Cam, snorkeling in Catalina

Us with the Hatch's & Hansen's, backpacking in the Tetons.

Hiking Timp. (Anne & I did it too, but I didn't like that picture!)
Thanks for making the trip down here - it's gonna be a fun week!
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