Buy me flowers 6%
Take me out to dinner 53%
Remember, but do nothing 12%
Forget it all together 5%
Ask me to plan it 24%
Eric went above and beyond everyones expectations and accomplished two of the five! Dinner and flowers.
Karen, so graciously offered to babysit last night so we could go out to dinner. We went to a new restaurant called
BD's, it wasn't my favorite, but Eric really liked it. He's good at mixing and matching sauces which I couldn't get quite right. And for the flowers...look familiar? It was my wedding flower. About every couple years I buy a blue hydrangea plant but I always end up killing them. We'll see if I can keep this one alive. They are hard, especially in Wisconsin. Eric and Diane are the horticulturalists of the family so I might need to enlist their help.
So all in all it was a great anniversary. I could have done without the sex advice from my mom though. I'm not going to get into details, but it was way too much information. I thought once you hit a certain age you stop having sex. Guess not. It was just as awkward as the first sex talk I got 8 years ago. There I was just driving along in the car, and my mom starts using words like "making love" and "intimacy". It still makes me shudder. Sorry mom, I know you were just trying to help and be a mom, but it is kind of embarrassing.
This anniversary marked eight. Eight years of undergrad and grad school. Next years anniversary will mark the beginning of what I would call "real life" for us. Eric actually working. Not living off student loans. Not having Easter, Spring, July, August, Thanksgiving and Christmas breaks. NOT HAVING MEDICAID. What am I going to do without Medicaid?? Die, period. I guess it's time though. We've lived the student life long enough. The year ahead is going to be nuts...