...it's been a while. Last weekend was kind of crazy. It consisted of me repainting the entire exterior of our house. Yes, all by myself. Eric refuses to paint. I'm not quite sure there is anything I refuse to do... is that fair? I need to think of something. I do hate shoveling snow. I guess that will do.
So after I finished the screen porch this past summer I figured I needed to repaint the house because; it probably hadn't been done in over 15 years, it looked kind of worn, we are going to be listing this house within a few months, and the paint that we had mixed to match the house (for the screen porch) didn't come out 100% identical so if you looked close you could tell a difference - and that drove me crazy. So I got to work scraping and sanding and Eric repaired a few spots that looked rotten. It was a chore to say the least. We have
SOOO many windows, which I love, but they are crappy to paint. Hopefully, I didn't paint any of them shut. I guess I will probably never be around to find out.
So... one painting project down. I still have to repaint the ceilings in our living room and hallway because Eric has installed a bunch of pocket lights - and well they need it too. Oh, and don't forget the
kamikaze bird that we found in our garage. The damn thing had a cut or something on it's head, got trapped in our garage and just started bouncing off the ceiling and walls. There is blood splatter ALL over our garage. I DO NOT LIE. Like I need to paint one more thing!! It creeps me out.
This past week I also had a ton of doctor appointments. A while back I had a CT for this stupid bump on my chest that I have had for over 10 years. It seemed like it was getting bigger so I figured that while I had such great insurance I might as well have it checked again. They told me the same thing - that it's just a oddly shaped rib that has a build up of calcium/cartilage and is protruding resulting in the bump. I'm thinking, good, at least I can just forget about it now... but then the doc says, but what we did notice is that your right boob is a ton more fibrous than your left and we are recommending a mammogram. What? I am freaking 30. Yes, I have huge, fatty, fibrous boobs, get over it. There are no lumps in them. So I figure, what the heck, so I go, they do an ultrasound of my boob and tell me to go home without the mammogram. THANK GOODNESS. My question: how do women who have like size A get mammograms? Then I went to by OBGYN because for the past three months I have been losing my hair. This has never happened to me before. Not even after I delivered my boys. And now it is almost 13 months after Cohen was born and it is getting bad. I clean out my brush at least once a week. And the drain in my shower is probably on it's way to needing Roto Rooter (ie..eric). So my theory, was that it was my IUD's fault. My doc of course says no, so we'll see what happens. Maybe Britney will be listing her wigs soon on ebay and I can snatch up a few when I go bald.
***speaking of doctors here is a funny random side note: Eric went in for a physical the other day and it just so happened to be Halloween. A little history, our general practitioner is a total goofball. He sees a ton of kids, which I am sure why he feels the need to have a "crazy hat Friday" every week and to dress up on Halloween. Picture this man (our doc) in this costume (buzz lightyear):

...Eric narrating... "so Dr. Rowe is in this plastic, buzz lightyear costume that smells like he just took it out of the package and every time he moves - even an inch it makes the loudest plastic noise, you know, when it rubs and creeks... so right off the bat I am thinking, this guy is crazy and had to keep myself from laughing. So he's looking in my mouth and in my ears and asking me all these questions and I am thinking to myself, I am talking to a moustached buzz lightyear right now. Then, he asks me to drop trow because he has to check for a hernia...so there I am, standing in an exam room, with my pants on the floor and buzz lightyear is cupping my balls and telling me to cough while he checks for a hernia."
When Eric told me that story I was crying/laughing so hard. I started to cry a little bit just now reliving it.
Let's see, what else? Oh, I finally did something with all the leaves I was collecting...

I'm wondering how permanent it will be. It's on a canvas and has received two coats, but I'm not well versed in the reliability of Modge Podge.
This weekend we have no big plans. Maybe a trip to Chicago is in order...