The Amazing Race is starting this Sunday, a show that I have always been a fan of, so much so that it actually applied to be on it. This was a few years ago, and obviously, did not make it. I applied with Em, (I would have a hyperlink to her blog so that you can put a name with the face - but she is dragging her feet to start one - get on it already Em) she was very reluctant to do so but I convinced her to fill out an application and tape a short video with me while we were on a trip to NY a while back. It was the lamest video ever I might add. And NO there will be no video posted - I have destroyed all copies. So our tag line was that we were best friends/sorority sisters. After all, there had never been sorority sisters on any of the previous seasons. So I waited patiently for my call back.......Unfortunately,
I think the only person in my family that gets call backs is Ed.

Anyway, this seasons list of castmembers has opened my eyes as to why Em and I never made it on the show. Take this couple for example:

Kynt & Vyxsin "dating goths"
-from KY
-both waiters and receptionists
-the biggest challenge they face running the race: "keeping up with their daily make-up routine"
Note to self: dye hair pink, paint fingernails black,
change name to Q-pid, re-apply.

Shana & Jennifer "blonde friends"
- from LA
- actress & legal assistant
- their strategy to succeed in the game: "flirt their way through it"
Note to self: dye hair blonde, loose 60 lbs,
ditch "g's", buy tight t-shirt, re-apply

Kate & Pat "married ministers"
- from CA
- priest & deacon
"don't let the collar fool you - we can play dirty too"
Note to self: divorce Eric, find a life partner,
change my name to Chris, re-apply
Who's with me??
Josie Jean! I'm with you! Rod and I love that show. We were so excited to see that it's back on the air soon. Did you know the Hickenloopers applied as well?
josie you would have been much more exciting to watch especially with you and Em arguing and you telling her to hurry up.
Josie! Have they ever had a daughter in law, mom in law combo? If I started training now, and Eric could watch the boys, , , just a thought. Other wise, they have already had two sisters, , , Maybe you should try for the next years, and take Eric before he starts working! Sounds fun! Seriously, I love you the way you are!!!
JOSIE! HI-larious! i am with you-- this is the best show. love it. and yeah, those couples sure make us mormon SAHM's look boring. but just so you know, i'd watch you on a TV show any day. and you WERE on oprah with the baby whisperer, lest we forget your moment in the sun.
love it! I'm surprised they don't have the token "gay mormon". There always has to be one of those, but I guess the married ministers probably filled that role this time :) What's up with those goths?? And which one's the guy???
I am so glad you destroyed that video. It really was SOOO bad on so many levels! It would have been a ton of fun and I like to think we would have won, maybe we should try again. I love your ideas. I would just like to add, that I could do the goth thing.
No blogs for now, I still prefer being a blog voyer.
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