Saturday, May 31, 2008
Great Show

For Eric's graduation I got him (us) tickets to see the Flight of the Conchords in LA. It was last night at the Orpheum Theater downtown. For all those who watch Fox's So You Think You Can Dance - that's the venue.
The show was great. It started at 9pm with a singer from New Zealand named Bic Runga. Now, I have heard her music, but in no way did I ever imagine she was 1. from NZ or 2. Asian. Search Itunes for the song Sway - I'm sure you've heard her.

Then following Bic, was Aziz Ansari's comedy routine. He was in one of the Conchord episodes, you may remember him as the "racist fruit vendor" - he also has a show on MTV. He was pretty funny as well.

Our tickets were the fifth row, right of the stage center so the tickets were pretty sweet and I was feeling good about my ebay purchase until three people showed up and sat in front of us. At first I thought the lady was blind because she was holding onto her husband like she couldn't see and was bumping into the seats and trying to feel for her chair. But as the show went on I realized she was full on sloshed and had no control of herself. These people were totally obnoxious the entire concert. They kept getting up and leaving during the show and flailing their arms above their head. At one point the guy next to her (that wasn't a part of their group) started yelling at her telling her to stop touching him and to settle down. It was a mess. Her defense was that she is a professor at USC so we should just shut up and let her be. Nice. Luckily, this nonsense only lasted the last 10 minutes of the show. What pissed me off the most was that the video that I tried to take of the show was crappy because their heads kept moving around in front of my shot. I will have to edit it and maybe come up with some good clips. I did manage the, semi-decent, stills on this was the best I could do.
The Conchords were hilarious. I am so glad we went. They played for over two hours which went by really fast. We didn't get out of there until midnight. What was weird was the eclectic mix of people that were at their show. I would have expected to see people my age or older at this show - you know, people who watch HBO - and can appreciate their music. But, I saw tons of kids that were under 18. Some with parents, but young kids. It was odd. Then there were groups of really grungy 30 year old men with greasy hair that made me think - what do these people do for jobs that can buy them sweet tickets to FOTC and HBO? Of course, there were hundreds of people in their skinny jeans, vans, and hoodies with their bangs slicked across their foreheads (buggy) but that was expected.
Their set list was good, they didn't play Ladies of the World which I was sad about, but they played a new song called Girlfriend from the Past, which I am assuming they will incorporate into their show. It was the best one of the night.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
To make a long story short
Here is the most reader-friendly version of the past two weeks that I can come up with.
Doesn't he look huge compared to the others in his class?
it was just like any other day for me.
Anne, Mike & Martha have now arrived for the
graduation/moving festivities.
like Halloween music. Because it was in a church and it was totally different from the church he is used to he kept saying, really loudly mind you, this is weird church Mom. And because Eric was receiving his "hood" he thought Eric would be wearing something over his head - but of course that isn't what happens. So, we are ready to leave the Cathedral and there was a Catholic nun sitting two rows behind us and he points at her and says, hey, she has a hood on. Nice.
He wished Eric well and congratulated him.
He really should have given him his business card...
he needed a little work done.
We ended up needing to rent a tow trailer as well.
And I am not even a pack rat.
I don't think he realizes that he is strangling his brother.
he helped Eric drive the truck from WI to UT.
Thank you Dean! Any single ladies out there want his digits?
Here they are in Star Valley, WY
(which was somehow on their way to CA) branding cattle on Ed's (FIL) ranch.
The smell of this made it impossible for me to eat meat for a week.
All three of our vehicles all lined up there take up almost three houses.... yikes,
we're not in WI anymore. No more 1/2 acre lots.
Somehow, it looks like the remaining part of Cohen's sandwich got packed with Eric's shoes....
I can't wait to see what else I find in all our boxes.
Thanks to all our family members who ventured out to Milwaukee to celebrate in Eric's amazing accomplishment. We couldn't have made it through the past 5 years without your support and we also couldn't have made it through the move without you.
We love you all very much. Thanks again for all your help.
p.s. Grandma & Grandpa Bishop have graciously allowed us to store all of our stuff in their spare garage. A huge thank you to them for saving us a monthly storage fee.
I don't have a picture of their garage but it is one gigantic pile.
Ok, fine.
You know when you have gone a long time without blogging, it almost feels like homework in the back of my mind, nagging me, telling me I gotta do it before it starts to pile up. Well, it's piled up, and then some, and has now become a chore because of the amount of stuff I fell I need to post about. So, I was contemplating discontinuing it all together, much like some of the people on my list of betterbloggers have chosen to do. But, Eric has nagged me to death about it so I guess I will continue. Why he has such a need for me to blog I will have to investigate further. It's not like I have nothing better to do... you should see the mess I have created here at my in-laws house. It's CHAOS!
Thursday, May 22, 2008
7 DAYS???!??
I haven't blogged in 7 days. I think that's a record. I have a very good excuse... and you all know what it is. Graduation was great, long, but great. Packing the moving truck proved difficult - we didn't have enough room and ended up having to rent a trailer to tow as well. The flight that we were on was totally full and Cohen was not ticketed. This has never happened before. Not ever. Not even with Ethan. And we have flown a lot since he was born. It was a nightmare to say the least. The men are currently in Wyoming with all of my belongings and I am in CA trying to feel at home. There is a lot more to say and pictures to be posted but Eric has my camera so it might take another week before that happens. So far it feels good to be back in CA, except for the fact that primetime tv starts at 8pm, I hate that.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
It's growing

Our car no longer fits. Before the pile was not nearly as big.
I'm really doubting if the 26' truck is going to fit everything.
My dad is going to have to work his packing magic.
Not even an inch can be spared.
Please, oh please, oh please....
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Saved the best for last
Yesterday, Eric had to go into school to finish up a few things so I had him clean my teeth - for the first time! He did an amazing job. Worth the $200k.... I guess we'll see the first time he has to give me an injection. I was officially his last patient. Kind of fitting wouldn't you think? Afterwards, I made him pose for pictures with his clinic directors and around the school. He was a good sport. I got chocked up when we were walking away to go get in the car. It really is an accomplishment, something I could never do.
I still don't think it's hit him that he has nothing more to finish up. He still has this ingrained voice in his head telling him he still has to do this, and this, and then he'll be done - and no, it's not me talking. We went today to pick up his gown so the end is in sight. Thursday our family starts showing up and we are so excited to see everybody....more later.
I still don't think it's hit him that he has nothing more to finish up. He still has this ingrained voice in his head telling him he still has to do this, and this, and then he'll be done - and no, it's not me talking. We went today to pick up his gown so the end is in sight. Thursday our family starts showing up and we are so excited to see everybody....more later.
Friday, May 9, 2008
Milwaukee's Best
That countdown is nerving me out. It's making me think of how far we've come living here. It is also making me aware of the many things we will miss by moving away.
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