Ethan had a visit at his PCP doc on Monday. And wouldn't you know, it's time for more immunizations. Yippeee! Three: Polio, Hep A and DTAP. You would think Ethan would be a pro about shots considering, but he was not loving these. He hates it when they put them in the leg. I don't blame the kid, these things hurt. Well, unfortunately, this round left me with an even more sour taste in my mouth about immunizations. As if I didn't have negative thoughts about them already...
This is a picture of Ethan's leg 24 hours post-immunization. Last night I sent Ethan upstairs to put on his pj's and he came running downstairs saying, "Mom I have a rash on my leg". Great. So I called the on-call nurse for our clinic and she told me to draw a circle around it so I could tell in the morning if it was getting any worse. Ta Da! It's almost twice as big. So we had to go back to the doctor today to hear the great news that it's a staph infection. Sick. And don't you love it when the doctor flat out says, "well, patients who have diabetes or impairments of the immune system are particularly prone to developing cellulitis". I'm sorry but Ethan has had tons of these shots and has never developed a staph infection - maybe your administration procedures are a little lax, or the nurse didn't wash her freaking hands, or you believe in the 3 seconds rule, or you double dipped the syringe in the vial, did you think of that? So, what you're saying is this is HIS FAULT, because he has diabetes. Bull shOt.
That's messed up.
So now what?
get a lawyer and sue! poor Ethan.
If I had a nickel for every incredibly stupid thing medical doctors do/say/decide I would be filthy rich. I'm glad I won't be giving anyone staph infections but if I did...I might just blame it on them! haha. rediculous.
Ethan is my Hero! Those people should be worried! They hope that this clears up! Was it Dr. Rowe's office? As Grandpa would say, Eekkss Mc Beekkeesss! Grandma is sorry Ethan! Better come to California and put some sun shine on it!
Sorry to burst your bubble, but I knew exactly what that was without you telling me! I had cellulitis in my leg a few years ago. Staph is naturally all over our bodies and can intrude at any time. I'm going to email you the same picture. haha Just hope it gets better so he doesn't have to have it cut open like I did and now I have a nasty scar!
How is Ethan's leg now??
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