Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Too good to pass up

$3.99 are you outta your mind! Trader Joe's had these roses for $3.99 a bunch today so I snatched up three. It's usually after a trip to Sam's Club that I come home with flowers, but today's outing was to TJ's and I wasn't disappointed. Heaven knows my husband never buys me any so I have to spoil myself once and while with some fresh bouquets for the house.


Paige said...

I love their flowers. Sometimes they have the cutest daffodils. Love fresh flowers. I always said if I was rich I would have them delivered weekly..Lots of them. The only time I get flowers is from my dad on Valentines. Bless his heart. I think he feels sorry for me.

Tia said...

you go girl.........