Sunday, August 5, 2007

Can't Get Enough

Since the summer months do not provide any tv worth watching I have turned to cable tv to fill my tivo with. I think in the past week alone I have watched, well, fast forwarded through, at least 5 of each of the following shows: Property Ladder, Flip This House, Flip That House, Sell This House, Designed to Sell, and a few of Flipping Out on Bravo. These shows fascinate me. Actually, the feeling I get watching them is more of jealousy. Jealous that some of the lamest people can make tons of money flipping houses.


blogsurfer said...

I have watched it too and I really love "Tori" on Flipping Out. I’ve never seen a psychic like her on any reality show! Finally a psychic like Alison Dubois from that show Medium.

Tia said...

Oh..I love Flip that House. Tivo is the greatest thing and the worst thing. It totally maximizes your TV time, but in the long run, I think I am watching way more TV than ever!

Natalie said...

I am watching Flip This House as we makes me downright mad to watch these shows {why can't I make $80,000 in 2 months?}, but I can't tear myself away. Maybe one day I'll have money to do a flip- I'd love to be a "flipper"!