Monday, May 14, 2007

Mother's day do-over

I am demanding a do-over. Yesterday was spent flying home from CA with the boys all by myself, something that should never take place on Mother's day. Mother's day is supposed to be spent lounging around (after church of course) while Eric does all the "motherly" work. That did not happen. We were gone for almost two weeks while Eric stayed in WI for school. And for some reason I had it in my head that because of the long separation and the holiday that maybe, just maybe he would surprise me with something upon our return. What was I thinking? Aren't flowers like the easiest, most thoughtless, obvious, standard gift? And yet Eric still can't produce. For some reason he has no trouble remembering how many times he's had sex in the past week (and for every week that came before), but can't remember a simple holiday. Is this all guys? Until something is done about this his tally is going NOWHERE!!


amy said...

super hilarious! sounds like Jim to an extent, but he tends to produce in the gift department. somehow he's learned that he's expected to pamper me in some way, shape, or form on those special days. now that you're back, we'll have to get the kids together!

Annie said...

Wow, I'm still laughing. Could our husbands be related somehow?

Unknown said...

I think all husbands are related somehow. They all know their sex number, and even if it's 3 times a day it's still too low, and less than their "other friends".

You def deserve a do-over! Tsk Tsk Eric!

anne said...

Eric, are you going to post something in response?

Anonymous said...

Well, I am someones mother. . . and someones mother-in-law! All's I'm saying, , , Eric, "How do you "FEEL" about Mother's Day, and could you have done better"? Then, , , to quote someone famous, "Just do it"! signed someone who emailed you the hint about flowers at the airport! Course, I sent that to your phone . . .