Spring is probably the best time to be in Wisconsin other than the Fall, but unfortunately neither seem to hang around very long. Spring turns to a hellish humid summer in no time and fall follows suit by becoming that dreaded winter all too quickly. Of all the things I will miss about Milwaukee, the seasons have to be top of the list. It is so green here in the spring, unlike California which seemed so brown the last time I was there. So today was one of those nice spring days. Although we had bbq's to go to we decided to stay home and do a few things around the house and let Cohen rest. It was a good day!
Josie, your house is darling...and so is your family. That's pretty sweet that Eric is skateboarding with Cohen.
I just stand all amazed at the beautiful gene pool! Happy people with happy lives. Because you make it that way! Love the boys on their four wheelers! Nice shorts too!
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