Friday, April 20, 2007

Doublewide, sweet doublewide

So today I caught myself looking at houses for sale in Monterey, CA and I'm not sure I should have. Take this listing for example: 2 bedroom, 2 bath, in what we thought was a great little part of town, listed as not a single family home, but a MOBILE HOME!, and only $450,000. It's a freaking double-wide for half a mil.

Now I'm sure you're way, that's not possible. Well here's another listing for you. First off, the bedrooms aren't listed. All it says is 2 bathrooms and 1400sq ft. Mobile home, offered at $1,250,000.

Remind me again of the reasons to go back to California...

1 comment:

Martha said...

I know what you mean...I might be getting a new job??? Well I have been interviewing this past week at Frank Creative. Well, it is in Hermosa Beach and so I was looking at housing just for fun. Everything is so expensive since I don't know any one to share rent with or want to chance it on roommates. But when I was driving home from my second interview I saw a mobile home park and I was thinking I wouldn't hate living in a mobile home. It was on the beach at least. SO maybe it would be a half a million dollars.