Cohen has become the worst-sleeper-ever. He is on this weird schedule of going to bed at 8:30, waking up at midnight only to come and get in bed with us. If I am still awake at that point I always bring him back to his own bed, but if we're asleep and too bugged to get out of bed to redirect him, he just ends up falling back to sleep in our bed. Now, we have a California King bed so if he were a normal child I wouldn't even notice him next to me, but since he is the crazy-erratic-worst-sleeper-ever that he is, he always ends up like this in our bed... sideways, feet in my back with his head resting on Eric. This has been happening for at least three months now. I've even tried those door knobs that you put on the handle so that they can't turn it...THEY DON'T WORK. He figured it out in like two seconds and on the off chance that he doesn't quite grip it just right, he manhandles it until the thing snaps in half and falls off. I need any and all advice. I could vacuum under Ethan's bed while he is sleeping and he wouldn't wake up. HELP!
I feel your pain. Molly just stopped coming out of her room and it's all because of Santa's elves. Really. A gate didn't work. A giant bookcase in front of the door didn't work. (I guess she got super strength like Superman when she saw it) Locking her in didn't work. Sticker charts, prizes, and begging didn't work. We told her the elves would tell Santa if she came out. This is the only thing that has ever worked for us - oh, that and getting her tonsils out so she could actually sleep through the night. Does Cohen have sleep apnea?
That totally stinks. I swear we have either Jake or Nathan (sometimes both) in our QUEEN bed with us almost every night. It is the worst- it's so hard to sleep with Jake tossing and turning all night long. If you figure anything out, let me know!
Oh, sweet Josie pie, I am there girl!! Roxie is three and just now is starting to sleep through the night. Try brute force, that ALWAYS works!!
Aren't kids awesome! Makena is the craziest sleeper and will not sleep for any long period of time if she's not RIGHT next to me. It really is annoying!! Hope you don't mind the blog stalking :) Check ours out: carlymarsh.blogspot.com!!
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