Eric was very well taken care of as a boy. Diane loves to cook and Eric was direct beneficiary. He was used to a hot meal every night, and sometimes even for lunch. So, in 1999 when I took the reins as Eric's primay food preparer I came to the realization that it wasn't going to be cereal or Ramen for dinner and defintiely NO PB&J's allowed. Was I crazy to buy into this? Probably, but I am always one for a challenge and I like to cook as well so it really wasn't that diffcult. Jump ahead five years, Ethan in tow, me working full-time, let's just say it got a little harder - and at that point Eric was kind of used to "good eats". So, I signed up for Martha's Everyday Food when it first came out (because, you know, I am a Martha addict) thinking it would help me be more efficient with my meal making. I loved the recipes so much that I started cutting out the ones that I tried and liked and laminated them for future use. I guess Eric was missing some of the recipes since we've moved in with the Brown's because on Sunday night he sat down with my books of laminated recipes and started assigning recipes to the days of the week.
Sunday was Italian Post Roast.
Monday was Meatloaf with
Mashed Potatoes & Spinach with Bacon.

Today was Chicken Curry with Peas & Cashews.
I am a big fan of having a menu in place. I hate it when 6:00 rolls around and I am starring into the fridge, hoping something will jump out at me. What I like even more though is that Ethan has liked everything that I've made. If only I could get Cohen to eat something other than Spaghetti O's or Mac & Cheese.
I love having a menu and sticking to it every week BECAUSE my husband asks every day within 10 minutes of being home, what's for dinner. It drives me crazy ! Your posted meals sound delicious. I may have to try them out!!!
I have been getting Everyday Food for years and love it, too. I never thought of cutting out the recipes; I've just kept all the books with the pages dog-eared and then I never get around to flipping through them all. You're totally inspiring me to cut out the ones I like, laminate them, then organize them.
I love to bake, don't necessarily love to cook. Thankfully Jon has never expected dinner when he gets home- he'll just make something if I haven't. I still feel bad sometimes that I'm not better at having planned meals so that is my goal for this year. We'll see how it goes... I may have to look into that Everyday Dinner thing. The meals you've made look really good!
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