All packed - amazing what that rack will hold. We had a minor problem on the way up, one of the plastic lids to those tan bins flew off on the 5 freeway and stuff started blowing out of the bin. Luckily, Ethan noticed it and we were able to pull over and secure everything. Whoops!

I didn't think we could top last year's trip to Yosemite but we managed to do so. The weather was perfect, the Rover didn't break down, the food was awesome, the campsite was eventful, and the bears stayed away! Eric and I and the boys drove up a day early so Eric could climb Half Dome. He didn't take a camera with him but met some other hikers along the way who said they would email him some photos...we have yet to see them. He did take one of the chains with his phone. He looked pretty thrashed when he got back to camp. The soles of his shoes were separating.

Hanging around camp - we had a double site which accomodated 12 people. We had five tents between the twelve of us. Diane and Ed win "Best Tent Set-up" they brought cots, a piece of carpet to put in their tent and even a side table for storage. It was very "lower-bowl of them". It's amazing to me that I didn't take any pictures of us eating because I think we spent the majority of our time doing just that. Seriously, we planned it perfectly - we were well fed... foil dinners, dutch oven cornbread, cobbler, pasta with peppers and sausage, breakfast burritos, gourmet turkey wraps, pancakes, s'mores, homemade churros - yummy!

The hike to Vernal Falls - last year this hike seemed to go on forever and ever. I was worried about this year because the boys would have to walk it themselves. Cohen did pretty good, he got pretty much the entire way up but was tired going down and needed to be carried for part of it. Ethan did great though and Lucy got to take a nap. The hike isn't too long, about 3 miles, but it's pretty much straight up, it was a great day hike.

The Falls - during the Spring/early Summer these falls are raging. By the time we get to them they are just a trickle, but still amazing to see. The brave ones jumped into the pool below the falls, I would bet the temp is about 50 degrees. No way I was getting in.

Floating the Merced River - we didn't do this last year and decided we needed to make it part of our trip. The river was pretty chilly but not bad when the sun was out. We floated a 3 mile stretch that winds through the park.

Headed home - thank goodness it didn't rain like last year. Until next year! Who's in?