Come to find out, Annie is cousins with Meagan and just so happened to be in town for a few weeks so she and her adorable three girls came down to hang out. It was good to catch up. When I told Ethan that Ruby was coming down to play he was a little bugged that she was a girl, but since she has diabetes like him he was ok with it. I was fully expecting them to actually play together but I don't think they said more than hello. If we are really going to set them up later in life there is going to need to be a little more interaction than that. (I can't believe that was two years ago)

thank you for going there without me!
Is that a pool with sand in it? It is nice so that Cohen doesn't have to be held the whole time. Freedom to do whatever he wants, hopefully he doesn't swallow too much of the baby pool water.
what the heck is beach club? i want to go to there.
cool that you got to meet up with annie!
Wow- I haven't read your blog in a while and it looks like you have been having a ton of fun! I really don't like Salmon, but it looks so good in that picture. Is the OC Fair over? We seem to miss it every year but I think the boys would really like it.
The salmon was amazing! As God intended . . .
Yes, Anne, you can go to the beach club too. It is in our lil town. These little boys are just pure entertainment, all the time!!! Nice thing about it, we don't have to fix a thing! We like them the way they are!!!
Guy, I want your camera. Those are really cool shots. You've been having a fun summer! All that food at the fair must have been so good. Love that Cohen is a diver!
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