Amanda, a friend from college, who writes likes no other, whose blog you should all be reading if you aren't already, who inspires me to
think about trying to be a better mother, just had a birthday. She saw on another blog, a woman who wrote down a list of things (the amount corresponding to her age), little things that she would like to accomplish before her next birthday. I am thinking I need one for myself, but since I'm already 5 months down I am going to be pretending I am 21 one last time (instead of 31) and shoot for 3 items/month. Here goes.
1. Read with Ethan more.
2. Save as much money as possible to speed up the student loan repayment.
3. Start washing my face at night, no I have never done this.
4. Lose the weight that babies and marriage have given me. Oh and cookies and brownies and everything else I have eaten along the way.
5. Raise money for Ethan's JDRF walk.
6. Maybe do some visiting teaching?
7. Clean out my closet.
8. Sell old things on ebay.
9. Smile more.
10. Go to bed earlier.
11. Apply for a patent on such things not to be discussed without a patent.
12. Take C to the park more - once it gets below 80 degrees here.
13. Write up a will.
14. Sew a skirt with the sewing machine that is getting dusty and the pattern Diane picked up a few weeks ago.
15. Finish the books I have started and put aside.
16. Take the boys camping again.
17. Have a low key Christmas. Do not go overboard on gift giving - try to prepare ahead of time.
18. Buy myself flowers every once and a while, if I didn't it might never happen.
19. Replace soda with water at home.
20. Learn how to edit our home videos so that I can burn them onto a DVD.
21. Be grateful always.