Monday, March 26, 2007

So today...

...I was thinking about this blog...actually, I was thinking mainly of other blogs that I have read in the past month and comparing mine with those out there (i know you all do the same) and I was thinking to myself, what interesting ideas do I have to share on this thing...and I couldn't really think of any. I mean, I was talking to my sister Anne Sunday night and she asked me what's new and my response was, well...Ethan said the prayer in primary today. How pathetic is that? Her, asking me that after having returned the day before from a week in NYC. I really need a life. I'm pretty sure I used to have one. At what point it left me I'm not sure. I'm sure I could blame one of my kids. Or maybe both. Such is life.


Paige said...

I think this way too. I think back to college and high school and realize its not all that fun to grow up.

mandy said... sister and I find ourselves calling each other to relate poop stories....are you kidding me?

Unknown said...

I laughed out loud at the prayer comment. Just remember, it could ALWAYS be worse!!

And no, you didn't ruin dessert night for me---you and Amy saved it for me!