Tuesday, February 3, 2009


How is it that someone made their way to my blog by doing this google search?

Is that not the most random google search you have ever seen?


Pam Emmons said...

Somebody found my grandpa's obituary info through my blog. She introduced herself to me at the funeral. It was so weird.

nyclizzie said...

Weird. I love that these things are revealed to us. My cell phone in the water post gets so many hits. Must happen a lot.

The Ormsby's said...

Weird. I must be computer STUPID, because I don't know how to look up that info on my blog!!?

Jamie said...

That is how I found your blog... I typed that exact info. I had your adress once before and lost it.

Julie Barnes said...

Wow, that is very odd. It is interesting to look at that blog patrol website.