Saturday, April 2, 2011

Saturday Morning Lego Session

Ethan has been busy this morning. He woke up early and came straight downstairs to work on his new lego sets. See.....when Eric and I go out on a date, and their grandparents are their babysitters, their grandpa is too easily convinced to make a trip to the toy aisle at Target. It's a problem, but the boys LOVE IT!!

The Lego elevator. Ethan lined them all up and kept raising and
lowering the hood vent by the stove.


leigh said...

It's always about the guys - isn't it? Fun with the hood elevator

Diane said...

I just don't see it as a problem.... I really don't...
Dare to explain?... it is a small investment in Ethan and Cohen's small motor skills, which they will need when they both become Dentists! THERE!

anne said...

Love these photos.