Monday, January 4, 2010

A brief summary

January: Busy with work, school, bought Eric a car, celebrated 4 years with diabetes, and started a new calling at Church.

February: Welcomed baby Lucy, had visitors from Omaha, played at the beach and looked forward to spring.

March: Started little league, remembered Noah Jeffery, had visitors from Boise and enjoyed the first signs of spring.

April: Had visitors from Bountiful, beach bonfires, decorated eggs, celebrated my #32, and watched plenty of little league games!

May: Blessed baby Lucy, branded some cattle, visited Jackson, and said goodbye to little league until next year.

June: My first trip to Disneyland in ages, Ethan graduated Kindergarten, Eric and I celebrated #10, and plenty time spent in the pool.

July: July 4th in Park City, the Barnes came to visit, Orange County Fair, salmon feast and multiple beach club visits.

August: Camping and more camping, Yosemite, Ethan lost his first tooth, tried to imagine a fall season in CA.

September: Ethan started 1st grade, sold Eric's car, Eric bought a Rover, Ethan celebrated #6 at Disneyland, trip to Seattle with Molly & KC, and plenty of homework.

October: Cohen celebrated #3, dyed my hair, got dragged to a BYU game, missed the Wisconsin fall, took the boys to Legoland, and ate tons of Halloween candy.

November: Hung Christmas lights in LA, Christensen reunion in Vegas, had some 80 degree days and got excited for the Christmas season.

December: Shopped, decorated, spent time with family, had TONS of visitors, ate too much, went to Arizona, bowled a lot, celebrated Eric's #34, and counted my many blessings.

Looking back helps me remember all that happened last year. So many good memories from 2009. I am so grateful for all the friends and family I have to experience these memories with. Here's to 2010!


Diane said...

You have a wonderful life, full of good things. A grateful heart above all. Sounds like you were busy every minute. ahhhh You WERE! Thanks for sharing the memories.

Sarah said...

What a cool recap with even cooler pictures! Glad you had a good year- here's to another great year ahead!

Tonya said...

This is such a great post!