Cohen turned 3 on Sunday. I am kind of relieved because now when people ask me how old he is they won't act shocked when I tell them he's three. Before, when I would say he is two they thought I was lying to them.
I feel bad because I was sick on Sunday so I took hardly any pictures and the ones I did take didn't turn out great. Eric did take some video so at least we have that. My parents and Martha came over for some dinner and birthday cake. My mom made the cake - he's kind of obsessed with Spongebob right now, just like Ethan was at this age. You will see Spongebob in a few posts to come.
It's amazing that he was once in an infant carrier, quiet, content, and very agreeable. Now, he is all over the place, loud, energetic, and bossy. I would say I like the baby stage better because of this, but then Eric would hold it against me.
Ohh Cohen you are the best. You are so spazzy sometimes and so funny. I hope you had a great birthday and I wish I could have been there with everyone.
mom, that cake is amazing. it's up to standard with the ones you used to make for us. Still love my 7 year old cake patterned after my birthday card.
coco, i love you. did you get my card? it just happened to be sponge bob.
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