Sunday, September 2, 2007

Out of the mouth of babes

Ethan: Mom, it looks like Jesus mowed the lawn yesterday.
Me: Really, I didn't know Jesus liked to mow lawns.
Ethan: He's magic, he comes here to mow the lawn and then goes back home.
Me: Where does Jesus live?
Ethan: The North Pole.
Me: With Santa?
Ethan: Yes, with Santa. They can see what we are doing all the time.
Me: Right, so you better be good.
Ethan: I know.
Me: Where does the Holy Ghost live then?
Ethan: In a Ghost town. can thank Scooby Doo for that last part


Anonymous said...

Ethan's grandparents are so proud . . . Maybe he will grow up and be an actor like his Big Guy Grandpa! But, where doers Eric get these thoughts . . . "Quotes of the Day". . .

Paige said...

I love that all people that watch him must live at the north pole.

Anonymous said...

Great Grandma Says You are both such lucky parents to have such lovely children, but don't get too confused about Jesus and Santa, although, both are very giving!

Tia said...

Josie...that's pretty funny. When you think about it, his logic is pretty good.